All For His Glory Ministries' Devotional Blog

All for His Glory Ministries is a speaking, teaching and equipping ministry that provides discipleship, encouragement and training for women. Our prayer is that the devotionals you read below will encourage your heart and teach you to look for God in everyday things. After all, we're just ordinary women... empowered by an extraordinary God!


Living and Leaving a Legacy

by Vicki D. Balkcum

Recently my 7-year old granddaughter, Ruthie, began asking me questions about my family. She wanted to hear stories about my parents, who are deceased. She also wanted to know what I did when I was her age, who my playmates were and what some of the games we played were.

I recalled when I was growing up in the ‘50s that we played outdoors more than indoors. And we played all kinds of fun games like Hide ‘N Seek, Mother May I, Sling the Statue and many others. We loved skating in the street, riding bikes and jumping rope. We came inside to eat our meals, usually in our own homes, then met up outside again. In the summer, we played outside at night under the street lights while our parents sat on the front porch.

Revisiting those childhood memories also caused me to remember how my mother always let us know when not to disturb her – during her time spent in prayer.

Down through the years, when it came to raising their children, many parents have demonstrated a strong faith in God through prayer, worshiping God, singing about God’s love and reading God’s Word in the home. And what a blessing to have the privilege of passing the torch of faith in God to the next generation!

What a legacy we can leave as a parent or grandparent. After all, being a godly example to the children in our sphere of influence as a way of life is what Moses taught the Hebrew people.

And these words which I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (ESV)

What was the important truth Moses taught them? You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6:5

May God use each of us to lead the children in our sphere of influence to a faith in Him – as a way of life.

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