All For His Glory Ministries' Devotional Blog

All for His Glory Ministries is a speaking, teaching and equipping ministry that provides discipleship, encouragement and training for women. Our prayer is that the devotionals you read below will encourage your heart and teach you to look for God in everyday things. After all, we're just ordinary women... empowered by an extraordinary God!


He’s Whispering, “Come Away With Me”

by Lorie Newman
All For His Glory Ministries

Arise, Lorie, and come away with me.

Should I go? He's been tenderly asking me to come away with him. He even calls me his darling! His beautiful one! How can I resist that? But he's not my husband.

He's luring me away with those sweet words…away from the mundane…away from the ordinary…away from the mediocre. Arise, Lorie, and come away with me. My flesh says, Don't go, Lorie, it will cost you everything. But my spirit can't resist much longer. I am so taken by his invitation.

And what a gentleman he is! He is patiently waiting with those precious words of affection toward me. Arise, Lorie, and come away with me. Somehow his tender words pierce the deepest part of my spirit. I've never been pursued like this before...

He says if I arise and come away with him, he will take me to places I've never been before. Faraway places I secretly long for and desperately need. Should I go? Arise, Lorie, and come away with me. Are those places he tells me about real? Can I truly get to the places he is calling me to just by taking his hand and leaving with him? Arise, Lorie, and come away with me.

I want so badly to take his hand as he reaches down to me with those tender words on his lips. Arise, Lorie, and come away with me. His hands are strong, yet soft. His words are powerful, yet gentle. Arise, Lorie, and come away with me. I don't know if I can resist the power in his words. It is as if I was made to hear his voice—as if nothing else matters but the sound of his voice…Arise, Lorie, and come away with me.

I place my hand in his…it fits perfectly. Should I arise with him? But I'm comfortable here where I am…or am I? Can I ever be comfortable again now that I have heard his voice calling me away—now that I have felt his touch? Arise, Lorie, and come away with me.

Arise, come my darling; my beautiful one, come away with me. Song of Solomon 2:13b

As the church, we are the bride of Christ. He is our bridegroom, and He constantly pursues us and calls us to come away with Him. For those who will break away from the mundane, the ordinary and the mediocre Christian life, He reaches out and says, "Come away with Me!" Will you take His hand?

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